RedHealth Wear Technology
Biological Rhythms
A primary aim of the RedHealth Wear wearable PEMF devices is to help re-harmonize the body’s natural biological rhythms and thus encourage an improved state of wellness and well being. When the system is in harmony, vitality and longevity are natural. All biological activities in the body are rhythmical in nature, from the heart beating, the lungs breathing, brain activity, metabolism and reproduction of cells, functioning of the organs, the digestive process and a multitude of other activities. Where there is disruption to these natural rhythms, symptoms such as pain, lack of energy, poor sleep, mental disturbance, discomfort, digestive issues, immunity dysfunction and numerous others may be experienced.
The huge number and variety of rhythms within the body can be upset by many factors including stress, trauma (physical and emotional), e-smog (EMF radiation from phones, transmitters, computers, power lines etc.), artificial lights, chemical toxins, medication, junk food, stimulants, travel, emotional turmoil and many more.Rhythms involve time, change, movement, objects, processes, activities, and awareness. Rhythms can be thought of as patterns of change, patterns of movement, patterns of activity, patterns of behavior. Some terms related to rhythms include waves, frequency, vibration, variation, oscillation, pulsation, undulation, ups and downs, coming and going, pace, speed, routine, ritual, habit, how often, and others.
Different structures express different rhythms. Inherent in the body system are the mechanisms of adapting to changes and regulating inner processes. These mechanisms of adaptation and regulation maintain the synchronicity between the rhythmic body processes and manage the adaption of these as the body/mind encounters everyday experiences. In the natural order of things the rhythms will fluctuate, change and adapt and are not fixed, they have plasticity and alter as required to maintain the life state. This could be referred to as the inherent healing mechanism within us, the ability to manage the body as it goes through change and transformation and optimize its state to the prevailing conditions.
The science behind the RedHealth Wear devices is employed in the technology used to provide a mechanism for aiding the reestablishment of natural body rhythms by connecting with the natural holistic healing adaption and regulation processes. RedHealth Wear SMART energy devices use two key therapeutic technologies:
• PEMF (Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Fields) – working at an energetic field level to energize, activate and set up interconnection fields.
• Adaptive Resonance – provides a targeted rebalancing action to the body’s natural rhythms through quantum level interconnection.
The devices also use pulse light stimulation. These additional light stimulation modes extend the frequency range to the light level.
Examples of Body Rhythms
This next section considers a few of the multitude of rhythms within the body system.
Heart Beat Rhythm This is a very obvious rhythmical activity occurring every second of our lives. The heart can beat slowly or quickly, strongly or weakly, regularly and irregularly. It changes depending on many factors including exercise, stress, emotions, nervous system activity, health generally etc. Each time the heart beats the resulting physical pulse of pressure travels to every part of the body. Every part of us is physically pulsating in time with the heart. The triggering of a heart pulse involves the generation of an electrical pulse to initiate heart muscle contractions. This electro-magnetic pulse is so strong it radiates through our entire body and beyond. We are bathed in the elector-magnetic field of our heartbeat and its physical pulsating; it is a major player in synchronizing many of the body rhythms.
A well studied but less well known fact about the heart beat is that the time interval between beets continually and slightly varies. This is known as heart rate variability (HRV). Machines and electronic devices tend to work with very precisely timed and constant rates like a quartz watch. The rhythms within living things tend to act in a less linear way, i.e. they vary, and ‘life’ is anything but constant. It may be surprising to learn that in good health there is a higher degree of variation in the timing between heartbeats than poor health when they become more regular.
The science of HRV has been refined to the position where many health factors can be deduced from analyzing the coherence of the variations in the heart beat and the latest monitors can show amongst other things:
• Autonomic nervous system balance
• Neuro-hormonal coherence
• Brainwave balance
• Cardiovascular adaptation
• Meridian balance
Monitoring HRV before and after applying therapeutic methods can show how effective the therapy is and with what areas it works best. HRV has been used in the development of the devices and monitoring their effects. One of the leading organizations developing an understanding of HRV and finding ways to interpret HRV coherence is the Heart Math Institute. A nice introductory article on HRV can be found at: http://://www.heartmath.com/science-behind-emwave/Circadian Rhythms
One of the main rhythms our body exhibits is the internal body clock tuned to the 24-hour day (circadian rhythm). Many important biological functions and processes, including mood, sleep, appetite, digestion and energy levels are linked to the circadian rhythms and when the circadian rhythms are disturbed then a variety of health issues can arise.Circadian rhythm disorders include: Jet lag, delayed sleep phase syndrome, advanced sleep phase syndrome, narcolepsy, SAD syndrome and depression. People with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and some mental health problems show circadian rhythm issues. Also the rhythms can be disturbed during pregnancy and with certain medications. https://://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circadian_rhythm
Nervous System The central nervous system has two significant states – the active, ‘doing’ state called the sympathetic state and the resting, repairing, regenerating state called the parasympathetic. Generally the sympathetic is more active during the day and the parasympathetic during the night and sleep. However during both day and night there is a continual rhythmical switching between the two. Many health disorders have links to disturbances in the interaction between the two nervous system states. In the modern world with constant stimulation and little quiet time, often people exist in a heightened sympathetic state. Over-arousal in certain brain areas is linked with anxiety disorders, sleep problems, nightmares, hyper-vigilance, impulsive behavior, anger/aggression, agitated depression, chronic nerve pain and spasticity. Under-arousal in certain brain areas leads to some types of depression, attention deficit, chronic pain and insomnia. A combination of under-arousal and over-arousal is seen in cases of anxiety, depression and ADHD, ADD.
The brain itself has many rhythmic activities and the most well known is the ‘brain waves’ or ‘neural oscillations’. There are four primary waves: Delta – slow waves associated with dreamless sleep and meditative state. Healing and regeneration are associated with this. Theta – mostly seen in sleep. Forms a gateway to learning and memory, heightened awareness, intuition and imagination. Alpha – The resting stage of the brain with quite flowing thoughts leading to mental coordination, mind/body awareness, calmness. Beta – normal day-to-day sates and cognitive tasks. Fast, active, alert, problem solving, focused mental activity. Instabilities in brain rhythms correlate with tics, obsessive-compulsive disorder, aggressive behavior, rage, bruxism, panic attacks, bipolar disorder, migraines, narcolepsy, epilepsy, sleep apnea, vertigo, tinnitus, anorexia/bulimia, PMT, diabetes, hypoglycemia and explosive behavior.
One of the aims of the RedHealth Wear devices approach is to provide a harmonizing effect between the neural oscillations. For a general article on neural oscillations see: https://://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neural_oscillation
More on specific brain waves: Delta wave – (0.1 – 3 Hz) Theta wave – (4 – 7 Hz) Alpha wave – (8 – 15 Hz) Mu wave – (7.5 – 12.5 Hz) SMR wave – (12.5 – 15.5 Hz) Beta wave – (16 – 31 Hz) Gamma wave – (32 – 100Hz)
Cranial sacral rhythmical motion A less well know rhythm is the natural change in the shape and size of the skull, brain, spinal cord and sacral/pelvis connection. These subtle rhythms are relatively slow but at the same time observable and constantly active in a healthy state. Where these rhythms are disturbed such as often happens with a physically traumatic experience like a whiplash injury, difficult birth etc. various health issues can arise. More on the nature of cranial rhythms can be found here: www.hummingbirdone.co.uk/humanbeing/artery1.html
Breathing Like the heart, breathing is a gross example of a body rhythmical activity. The in and out breath result in physical movement of primarily the diaphragm and rib cage but like the heartbeat the physical rhythm of breathing radiates out to the outer reaches of the body. The quality and depth of the breathing rhythm is affected by many factors including activity, emotions, stress, physical restrictions, muscle tension, posture etc. Actively paying attention to the breath can have profound influences on the state of mind and body inducing a calmer mind, becoming alert, being centered and even balancing hormones. The vibration of the air moving through the larynx and resonances within the sinuses generates the sound of the voice, a primary means by which we communicate. Speaking is a rhythmical vibrational process in which the qualities of the tone, timbre, pitch, amplitude and frequency are used to convey meaning.
Muscle action Muscles provide movement to the body. A muscle contracting in the leg for example will cause the leg to move with force in a direction. To return the leg the initial activating muscle must relax and its paired partner (antagonistic pair) must contract. All physical skeletal movement in the body is formed from the rhythmical process of muscle contractions and corresponding relaxation. Walking is a rhythmical process in itself, initiated by rhythmical contractions and the releasing of muscles which are the result of rhythmical activity in the muscle fibers. This can only happen because of the rhythmical circulation of blood, bringing energy and oxygen to them. And so the interconnections go on. Most people have felt muscular contraction somewhere in their body and this is often associated with held emotions or as a result of physical trauma to the body. Where tension is maintained the natural rhythmical body movements are restricted. We are often completely unaware of muscular tension in our body but by releasing it many wellbeing changes can happen as rhythms can then normalize to their preferred state.
Cell Activity Each of the 70 trillion cells or so that make up the body, function through a vast series of rhythmic activities. Some examples are:
• The process of providing energy to activate the cell processes follows what is known as the Krebs cycle involving the breakdown of glucose to form energy and follows a very well defined series of events and cycles.
• One of the final aspects of producing cell energy is something call the electron transport chain and is part of the process of synthesizing ATP and is an elegant example of streams of electrons rhythmically flowing along a prescribed path between molecules.
• The expression of DNA into the formation of proteins (the building blocks of the body) from amino acids follows a set of highly organized cyclical activities called transcription and translation.
• DNA itself is a long double helix in construction and is a physical expression a rhythmical pattern. The process of a cell taking in nutrients and excretion of waste products is rhythmical in nature along with the transportation of nutrients within the cell.
• Cell division (mitosis) is one of the most beautiful and elegant demonstrations of nature working in a rhythmical way.
Lunar Cycles Many aspects of nature are tuned to the 29.53 days it takes the moon to complete a synodic cycle thought its movement around the earth. And humans are not exempt from this – the mind, body, energy levels, emotions, hormone cycles even dreams have been found to be synchronized with the moon phases.
Fractal patterns Images of fractal patterns are well known and they are a beautiful way of illustrating the rhythmical flowing nature of patterns. The essence of a fractal is a ‘self-similar’ pattern that can be infinitely scaled up and down. In a fractal image the basic pattern repeats over and over as the image is increasingly magnified or expanded. The basis of the image is a mathematical equation that has been repeatedly calculated many times and the results transformed into a graphical display.. The fractal concept extends way beyond interesting graphics. In physics fractals are increasingly being recognized as a foundation part of the interconnectedness between the very small (atomic) and the very large (cosmic) and everything in-between.
There are numerous examples of fractal self similar patterns within nature as is clearly illustrated by this fascinating video: https://ww.youtube.com/watch?v=s65DSz78jW4
So the principles of fractal rhythmical patterns and nature are intimately connected and involve a range of scales extending from infinitely tiny subatomic particle-waves, through diverse aspects of our daily living, to the infinitely large pulsating Universe of interacting energy systems. Structuring situations based on general semantics principles - including "rhythms" and "fractals", can be a very useful addition to making sense of things. In all likelihood then, fractal behavior tells us about the coordination of component processes in the minds and bodies of living organisms. It is tantalizing in this respect that the common fractal signature of healthy functioning is found widely in natural systems that self-organize their behavior, that self-organization actually predicts the ubiquitous fractal signature (e.g., Bak, 1996; Solé & Goodwin, 2001).
Self-organization requires a particular kind of interaction to coordinate the processes that must work together. The precise form of this interaction balances competitive and cooperative processes to create an optimally adaptive and flexible working configuration or critical state, hence the technical term self-organized criticality. The interaction that yields critical states has been worked out for simple physical systems and serves as a working hypothesis for more complex biological and cognitive behavior. The name for this kind of interaction among component processes is interaction-dominant dynamics. The key fact of interaction-dominant dynamics is that system components change each other's dynamics to coordinate their collective behavior (Jensen, 1998).
Essentially the universe and all its components ranging from the very tiny to the huge, from the parts that oscillate slowly to those that vibrate at an unimaginable high rate - the way things interconnect not just in scale but as rhythmical sequences of organized change over time seem to fall into the general category of fractal patterns.