HOLOS PEMF - Revolutionary Inflammation, Pain & Recovery Support, including Post-Surgical - A Deeper Dive
INFLAMMATION is a double edged sword. It is the body’s natural response in healing processes as nutrients, oxygen and blood are brought into an injured area to aid cellular processes yet it can wreak havoc in the body and create much pain and discomfort if left unchecked.
Inflammation is a nasty word, and with the struggle for pain relief comes a great time to start talking about how PEMF therapy reduces post-surgical inflammation.
One of the most common causes for pain is an orthopedic injury or the post-surgical pain that has resulted from the injury, so we'll focus on the post-surgical pain and how PEMF can help.
Although every individual is unique in the makeup of their body, their complex medical situation, and their ability to heal, many individuals experience post-surgical pain for as long as ten years or more.
This has led doctors to step back and assess truly, whether or not a procedure is needed.
Oftentimes, diagnostic imaging will give a doctor important clues about what is going on, but this isn’t always the case.
It is a struggle to determine whether or not the pain now is worse than it would be post-procedure, if the pain would improve, or if it will stay the same.
The root cause of the pain is inflammation.
Regardless of the medical case presented, the pain remains a problem.
Now that PEMF is more widely accepted, it can be used on a consistent basis to help relieve pain with individuals and or animals of all ages.
We can clearly define how PEMF therapy reduces post-surgical inflammation, and how this ultimately relieves pain, and may reduce the intake of prescription pain medication.
PEMF therapy is not a cure, nor does it replace your current treatment plan with any of your doctors involved in your care, but it can significantly help reduce pain and inflammation and supercharge a faster and more efficient healing process.

Inflammation is at the root of many medical conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, many neurological disorders, and even cancer.
Sadly, most folks are unaware of this, not realizing that finding a healthy way to guard against inflammation early on may have either prevented the disease, chronic problem, or may have even improved their condition.
Inflammation can be destructive, attacking everything in its path.
Let’s take a real-life application in daily life to make it easy to explain- take a look at fire itself.
Grilling out with an old-fashioned grill means that you take some charcoal, dump a little lighter fluid on it and light the match.
The lighter fluid is just the beginning, but if you throw that one specific trigger on it, that match…the fire has now been struck.
Initially, it’s a slow burn but over time the fire gets hotter and it begins to burn more area on the bricks of charcoal.
The same is true with your body.
When an imbalance of some kind occurs, it’s similar to lighter fluid. It sets the stage for something more to come that can be destructive to the body.
At this point, in the lighter fluid stage, you may not feel any pain.
Once the match has been struck, tissue damage ensues, more cellular damage takes place, the fire is on the loose.
This is what happens with gout, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, cancer, necrosis of various tissues in the body, and even in cardiovascular disease.
Inflammation grows and spreads, destroying other healthy tissue around it.
Remember, the cell is where it all starts, so at the cellular level you won’t feel much. Once it hits the tissue it’s up and running the marathon.
Tissues begin to become inflamed, then joints, muscles, and it could even spread further into your skin.
It all depends on the type of disease you are discussing, and while there is no crystal ball, we know that research has proven the efficacy of how PEMF therapy reduces post-surgical inflammation.
Inflammation has been reduced time and again with the help of PEMF, and the only logical conclusion at this time is that it works best because it actually gets to the true “root of the problem”.
That is a damaged cell or damaged cluster of cells.
So, what causes inflammation after the surgery?
There are a number of reasons, some of which are obvious including:
>The surgical site and incision
>The tissue and muscle involved in the surgical procedure
>Scar tissue, damaged tissues or nerves
>Swelling, which is normal, and a sign that blood flow has increased to the surgical site to bring healing to it.
Research on PEMF has also shown that this therapy is able to increase blood flow, reducing swelling over time.
Increased blood flow also means that swelling goes down in the appropriate time-frame, the entire body is beginning to come back into balance, and that a sense of overall well-being will ensue.
Knowing this, it is now more important to share with you how PEMF reduces inflammation from day one, and how it can aid in keeping inflammation at bay in the days, weeks, months, and years to come.
Eating a diet rich in foods that fight inflammation are important, and used in conjunction with a consistent dose of PEMF therapy, you should find you feel better and recover faster in your post-operative condition.
PEMF can aid in the following ways to reduce inflammation at the core:
1. Stimulate cells and repair them. It is not possible for anything to happen in the body without an electromagnetic exchange. When inflammation is present, there is cellular breakdown, damage, and the result is impaired chemistry. Healthy cells have numerous processes that they are responsible for, and one of them is to eliminate waste. When cells are not healthy, they cannot eliminate waste and stay healthy. The unhealthy cells keep the cycle of inflammation going.
2.Blood and tissue oxygenation. When blood flow has increased with PEMF therapy healing can begin. PEMF therapy reduces post-surgical inflammation when blood flow is carried through and delivered on time to the surgical site. Additionally, tissues become healthier as they are fed the proper nutrients through the bloodstream. With the proper level of oxygen in the tissues, inflammation cannot be present. There is a lot to this, but for the purpose of post-surgical inflammation, these two key points are so vital to the understanding of both the doctor and the patient.
So, how do you get PEMF therapy?
Accessing PEMF Therapy for Consistent Use During Recovery
Getting PEMF therapy is easier now than it was 15 years ago, but the accessibility is a bit tricky.
There are now more chiropractors, naturopaths, and other health professionals that use this therapy in their practice.
It is to be applauded, but the bigger challenge is that insurance does NOT generally cover this therapy at this time with the exception of specific approved conditions.
It is difficult to say whether or not it will be in the future.
However, those who have integrated this into their medical practice typically charge for hourly sessions, ranging anywhere from $60 to $120 per hour.
This can be expensive for an individual who needs pain relief on a consistent basis. Reducing inflammation is not an overnight process.
It is also not a one visit process.
This is when the pain relief challenge becomes very real. Those who suffer from chronic pain are suffering from chronic inflammation.
The struggle is always there.
Those who struggle with pain also struggle with anxiety, and struggle with how this affects their daily life.
Chronic inflammation and post-surgical inflammation do not have to plague you for the rest of your life.
Humans and animals can both suffer from various forms of arthritis, post-surgical pain, and other types of chronic pain.
Do you or someone you love suffer from post-surgical pain?
How to use PEMF to Reduce Pain & Post-Surgical Inflammation for a Faster Recovery
Let's take a look at how to use the revolutionary, wearable HOLOS PEMF therapy device.
therapy device to reduce pain and post-surgical inflammation and pain -
Pain involves a whole mind-body communication loop and it's crucial to address the whole person for comprehensive healing outcomes.
HOLOS wearable PEMF therapy devices provide two levels of 24/7 whole mind-body support through its background programs that run automatically and intermittently with gentle Earth-based PEMF and adaptive resonant energy throughout the day and night. This includes both the automatic 7-day programs and personalized programs.
The automatic 7-Day programs begin to run on a schedule as soon as the device is turned on.
The personalized programs are set up automatically for each user every 21 days based on a body field scan at midnight that takes about 5-10 seconds. If pain and inflammation is a high priority in the scan, customized PEMF programs that target these issues are pulled from the database and scheduled over 3 weeks in the body’s preferred sequence of healing.
The 3rd level of support HOLOS offers can be run anytime, anywhere at the press of a button and serves to target fast, all natural symptom relief without nasty side effects. These are the 16 boost programs HOLOS offers which include Calm, Sleep, Energy AC & CR, Ease Std & Adv, Inflammation, Tissue Repair,
A Deeper Dive - The Three Levels of HOLOS PEMF Support for Pain, Inflammation, Tissue Repair & Recovery
Support Level 1 - The HOLOS Automatic 7-Day Programs
The three automatic 7-Day background programs of Stress Release, Circadian Balance and PTSD-Depression (HOLOS Balance Plus model) offer comprehensive self-healing and self-regulation support, to include pain and inflammation programs, that are delivered at the optimum times of the day and night in sync with the 24-hr Chinese Clock and all 12 Main Chinese Meridians.
These include programs for sleep quality, stress reduction, increased energy during the day, brain-wave balance, mental clarity and focus, emotional balance, earthing/grounding to include the Schumann Resonance, and EMF, environmental toxins and travel protection programs.
The Circadian Balance background programs are unique and powerful in HOLOS. They are the foundation of all the background programs and serve to make sure all communication in the body is getting to the right place at the right time for optimized healing, pain/discomfort relief, and performance. This is done by working directly with the meridian system.
Traditional Chinese medicine believes that energy (also referred to as qi) flows throughout the body much like blood does. When this flow of energy becomes disrupted, symptoms and disease can occur. Acupuncture and other forms of Eastern medicine work to restore the flow of energy throughout the body using the meridian system.
Meridians are channels that direct the flow of energy through specific pathways of the body. Think of it like a superhighway the energy in your body uses to move about your organ systems. Picture a body divided in half from top to bottom. Each side of the body is traversed by six meridians: three yin and three yang.

Pericardium Meridian - key inflammation marker (above)
Here are the 12 major meridians of the body and the function they perform.
Each meridian is assigned to what could be called a circuit, called an element.
There are five elements: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal. Here are how those five elements work in the meridian system:
Fire: Heart and small intestine meridian, circulation and three-fold warming meridian.
Earth: Stomach and spleen meridian.
Metal: Lung and colon meridian.
Water: Kidney and bladder meridian.
Wood: Liver and gallbladder meridian.
12 major meridians:
Lung Meridian (Arm Tai Yin, Metal Element): Regulates respiration and the intake of energy.
Large Intestine Meridian (Arm Yang Ming, Metal Element): Extracts and processes water from waste material before expelling it from the body.
Stomach Meridian (Leg Yang Ming, Earth Element): Digests and extracts energy from food and then distributes that energy through to the spleen and intestines.
Spleen Meridian (Leg Tai Yin, Earth Element): Distributes nutrients throughout the body, maintains muscle tone and regulates blood flow.
Heart Meridian (Arm Shao Yin, Fire Element): Circulates blood to all the organs in the body.
Small Intestine meridian (Arm Tai Yang, Fire Element): Distributes nutrients throughout the body.
Bladder Meridian (Leg Tai Yang, Water Element): Removes liquid waste from the body.
Kidney Meridian (Leg Shao Yin, Water Element): Stores sexual energy, regulates the reproductive system, and produces blood and bone marrow.
Pericardium Meridian (Arm Jue Yin, Fire Element): The pericardium is an important part of the body and is the area that surrounds the heart, protecting it and removing excess energy. This meridian channel disperses energy throughout the body, thus preventing the heart from receiving too much energy.
***This meridian is also called the heart protector meridian and is a primary inflammation marker and circulation regulator. HOLOS runs the pericardium meridian program on a regular basis throughout each 7-Day program cycle to help energize, activate and interconnect it with all the other 11 meridians in helping the body regulate healthier inflammation levels for reduced pain and discomfort.
Triple Warmer (Arm Shao Yang, Fire Element): Also called San Jiao, controls the body, and is not just responsible for a particular organ system.
***It helps to control metabolism and regulates heat, moisture, and body temperature. Metabolism is a key aspect of healthy inflammation regulation.
Gallbladder (Leg Shao Yang, Wood Element): Stores and expels bile produced by the liver.
Liver (Leg Jue Yin, Wood Element): Circulates energy, regulates menstruation and the female reproductive system.
***It also maintains flexibility of the tendons and ligaments. A healthy liver meridian is key in preventing injuries and in healing injuries involving pain and inflammation in the ligaments and tendons.
Support Level 2 - The HOLOS Automatic Personalized Programs with Revolutionary Biofield Scanning Technology
HOLOS scans the user automatically at midnight every 21 days, calibrates the areas of highest need and creates a 3-week schedule of PEMF programs from its database that runs intermittently, in the body's preferred sequence of healing, throughout the day and night.
If there are areas of high priority inflammation calibrated in the scan HOLOS will pull specific programs from its database and add them to the automatic, personalized program schedule.

Support Level 3 - HOLOS Manual, User-Activated Boost Programs for FAST, All Natural Symptom Relief with NO SIDE EFFECTS
HOLOS Balance and Balance Plus devices offer up to 16 boost programs, 10 on Balance model and 16 on Balance Plus model, designed for fast, all natural symptom relief with NO NASTY SIDE EFFECTS.
When dealing with any kind of pain, inflammation and or surgical recovery the boost programs below can be used daily, as often as needed, at the touch of a button for fast relief. Turning up the boost program intensity to HIGH will run all boost programs for maximum run times.
The red boost programsin the list below are specifically designed to target pain, inflammation, tissue repair and recovery, whether athletic or injury, post surgery.

Want More Information?
Learn More About HOLOS Boost Programs and what each of its 16 boost programs are designed for here.
Download the Boost Quick Reference Guide from the link above for a handy tool for fast relief of symptoms anytime, anywhere.
For more information on the overall HOLOS device or any of its three support levels please visit our webinar page. In these webinars, Debbie Hart, owner of RedHealth, engages the audience in a full review of all the HOLOS automatic 7-Day programs, the personalized programs, and or the boost programs.
We invite you to join us in bringing this revolutionary PEMF inflammation and pain relief and injury, post operative recovery support to you, your loved ones and friends today!
The cost of HOLOS is just a little over a $1 a day in the first year and half that each year after.
It is the most affordable PEMF device on the market yet packs a powerful punch for whole mind-body daily wellness & well-being support in a convenient wearable a little over the size of a quarter.
For pets HOLOS can be worn in our strap-on case with straps around the neck or any area that needs direct inflammation and pain support.
Get Your HOLOS and Feel Better Today!
Payments As Low As $59/mo with KLARNA payment method in checkout!
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