RedHealth Wear Technology
The World of Quantum
To really understand the nature of the concepts behind the PEMF and PCAR technology it is necessary to visit the world of quantum.
Quantum as a word means the ‘smallest discrete amount possible’. The science of quantum measures Quantum coherence. The properties of the very small at the quantum level have been found to be quite different to that of the everyday world we experience. The common experience of something being at a particular place at a certain time goes out the window. In the quantum atomic world it is hard to say exactly what is where and when.
It becomes the world of probabilities and not certainties, where solid objects are replaced with waves and fields and local events being influenced by events happening a considerable distance away (so called ‘non local action). This is also the world where something is neither one thing nor another but multiple possible things at the same time (superposition). Among this ‘Alice in Wonderland’ type of experience of the quantum world is something called ‘quantum coherence’.
Coherence means ‘to stick together in an interconnected and useful way’. Quantum coherence refers to the phenomena where a matrix of atoms coherently oscillate together. And in a coherent state some very interesting things happen. Communication happens faster than the speed of light and without energy. The matrix behaves as one harmonic oscillation. Particles move through boundaries that should be impenetrable (quantum tunneling).
Quantum coherence is the basis of quantum computing where the ‘computer’ can explore multiple possibilities for the answer of a question in an expanding parallel fashion at an almost instantaneous speed. Quantum computers work at what could be called an ‘intuitive’ level or ‘perceptive’ way, not a deductive level of normal digital computers, they perform a kind of spontaneous assessment of many factors all at the same time and the natural answer in the context of the question appears. Quantum Coherence is increasingly being recognized as a phenomena not limited to the science laboratories but present in every day biological processes.The coherent state is phenomenally energy efficient and nature likes to adopt ways that use the least energy possible to perform tasks. Resonance as a definition includes the idea of transferring energy in a highly efficient manner.
Nature uses the phenomena of Resonant Quantum Coherence to achieve some most remarkable feats. For an exceptional book on the subject of how quantum understanding is going to play an increasing role in the future of biological study then read 'Life on the Edge' by Jim Al-Khalili.
Taking the concept even further, there are valid arguments that the basis of consciousness and the interconnected holistic nature of living beings is best explored from a quantum coherent basis. The excellent article: ‘Quantum Coherence and Conscious Experience’ by Dr Mae-Wan Ho explores how these principles underlie much of biology.Holographic images are common these days. For instance bank cards, passports and many tickets have a ‘holographic’ image on them as part of the security feature. A hologram is a physical structure that refracts light into an image. A holographic image can be seen by looking into an illuminated holographic print or by shining a laser through a hologram and projecting the image onto a screen. Holography is based on the principle of interference patterns. An illustration of an interference pattern is where two pebbles are dropped into a still pool of water. The resulting ripples radiate outwards from the pebble impact centers and will start to cross over (interfere) with each other. The resulting pattern of the ripple interactions is called an interference pattern. To form a hologram the interference pattern between two or more beams of coherent light (i.e. laser light) are captured. One beam is shone directly on the recording medium and acts as a reference to the light scattered from the illuminated scene. The hologram captures light as it interests the whole area of the film, hence being described as a ‘window with memory’.
By contrast a photograph captures a single small area ‘aperture’ of perspective, the photographic image being created by focusing this light onto film or a digital sensor. For a very good explanation to the holographic image process try this link to the holocenter. Essentially holograms form a 3D ‘memory’ of an object that can be replayed. Holograms are the densest form of memory recording medium known.Another intriguing property of a true hologram is that within any one part is the knowledge of the rest of the hologram, or simply put if the original holographic carrying medium were broken into many smaller parts each part would still contain the whole image, although with less detail. This is unlike a conventional photograph which when cut up only result in bits of the picture being present in each piece, not the whole picture in each piece. Quantum physics has shown that atomic particles have wave like properties and there is a strong case to suggest that all matter is ultimately formed from waves emanating from a ‘particle’ center and there is no actual solid particle just a center point from which waves emanate. Solid objects may just be appearances, like a holographic image is.
Obviously matter has physical properties like momentum which a hologram does not so there is a difference and thus matter is more than just a hologram however what can be said is that where atomic level radiating waves cross over they will form interference patterns in space and thus holographic type properties will be present. The idea of space containing holographic type properties leads to some incredible possibilities and living organisms it seems may well use these as part of the ‘perception’ process. A very good and enlightening paper on this subject is called ‘The Quantum Hologram’ by Edger Mitchell and from this it can be appreciated the process of perception and consciousness itself in living beings has far more depth than being a simple electrochemical neural network. It would appear perception and the corresponding reaction to that perception is based on the interconnection between quantum level holograms via a phase conjugate standing wave.